Friday, November 12, 2010

Muslims Against the Crusades Dishonours Itself by Disrupting Solemn Remembrance Service

Shameful and disgusting.

Protesters from the militant Islamist cabal, Muslims Against the Crusades, disrupted this year's Armistice Day commemoration in the Kensington area of London.  As the two minutes of silence began at the eleventh hour, the bellicose MAC belligerents began hurling invective, shouting deeply insulting and hateful slogans, and burnt a large model poppy.  They held signs incribed with various threats including "Allah is our protector and you have no protector;" "British soldiers burn in hell;" "Afghanistan the graveyard of empires;" and "Islam will dominate."  Also conspicuous were those crypto-jihadists among them who brandished the black flag of the khalifah.

Muslims Against the Crusades appears to be the successor to the baleful Islam4UK (Anjem Choudary's previous militant hate group), proscribed by the British parliament in January 2010.  The demonstrators were led to their allocated protest zone through an underground connecting tunnel, and were later led back out the same way, by police escort.  (NB. you can't spell 'demonstrators' without 'demon' -- just saying.)

Not surprisingly, the khalifascists were met with opposition from the local chapter of the EDL.  Hilarity ensues, sort of.

For the full article click on the Daily Mail.

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