Wednesday, December 2, 2009

You Say Climategate, I Say Climaquiddick, Let's Call the Whole Thing Off

"Hide the Decline" indeed.

As climategate/climaquiddick heats up; and as Mann-made global warming is put under a microscope for the first time; and as the University of East Anglia launches a "review" of the "tree ring circus" at the Hadley Climate Research Unit; and as the golden calf of "peer review" is shown to be a false god; and as Hadley CRU director Phil Jones steps aside; and as Penn State announces its intention to "investigate" the work of climate guru Michael "hockey stick graph" Mann; and as we learn that many of the algorithms (Al Gore rhythms) of the climate models in the HARRY_READ_ME.txt files just don't compute; and as Australia's Labour-sponsored carbon trading bill goes down in flames when the Liberal party revolts; and as certain organs of the main stream media try their level best to ignore the whole story; and as a binding deal at the upcoming Hopenchangen conference looks unlikely at best ...

Lord Christopher Monckton puts it all neatly together in this Science and Public Policy Institute report. Download it in pdf format here, then share it.

If you're curious about Lord Christopher Monckton's views on climate change, watch the following clips of Lord Monckton on the Michael Coren show (weeknights at 6:00 pm on CTS). This show was taped shortly before the 61 megabyte bombshell hit -- in the form of hacked [leaked?] files from the mainframe at Hadley CRU, University of East Anglia (i.e., ground zero of the IPCC reports).

"Bedwetters and Broomsticks" Enjoy.

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

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