Thursday, January 29, 2009

Swedish Tax Dollars At Work

Is this a case of ideology, zealotry and blind misandry trumping lawful court-ordered custody? It sure looks that way.

A Melbourne father of two young boys believed to have been abducted by their mother in Sweden claims a taxpayer-funded feminist group called Kobra is involved.

Swedish authorities are investigating members of Kobra amid allegations the group is using a vast network of "safe houses" and covert techniques to help the mother and children evade police.

George Pesor last saw his sons Frank, 11, and Andre, 9, in September 2008 after the Family Court in Australia ordered they be allowed to travel to Sweden to visit their estranged mother Ann-Louise Valette.

The boys were supposed to return to Melbourne on October 11 but they disappeared along with Valette, who has a warrant out for her arrest after being charged with their kidnapping.

Pesor now believes his sons are living with their mother in Sweden in one of 30 secret hiding places he alleges are operated by Kobra.

This Kobra's got fangs and squirts a toxic venom. Perhaps it's time for the Swedish government to take a hard look at what they (wittingly or unwittingly) are supporting on the taxpayer's dime. It seems that the Swedish nanny state has got some 'splainin to do.

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