Sunday, May 11, 2008

Thank-You, Kate

Imagine my surprise to come home, log on to the blog Sunday, and find that Kate of Small Dead Animals had linked to one of my posts. Thank-you, Kate. Slainte (cheers). I'd read in other blogs that a link from SDL results in extraordinary spikes in blog hits. I now know how true that is. And, as Mike Meyers and Dana Carvey chanted prostrate in Wayne's World, I'm not worthy.

This was the best one-day showing since I started, and certainly the highest showing since Blazing Cat Fur linked to me about a week ago. Tanks BCF, by the way. I very much appreciate it.

And to cap it off, Suzanne from has added me to their political blogs aggregator. Thank-you, Suzanne. I'm humbled.

A few days ago, we lost a dear friend. So it was kind of nice to come home and get this unexpected little boost.

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